AWS Well Architected Review

DevOps FinTech Security

What is a Well-Architected Review?

A well-architected-review is based on an AWS whitepaper from AWS that describes the ideal way of running workloads in AWS, all these findings are combined in the Well-Architected Framework. This framework consists of six pillars: operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, cost optimization, and sustainability. It’s a way of thinking about your AWS environment from a holistic perspective, ensuring you use the best practices at all times.

IN4IT delivers these reviews to help organizations establish good architectural habits, reduce risks, and respond faster to changes that affect designs, applications, and workloads by assessing specific business-critical workloads. When this review is done we produce a report and then we provide a way to remediate those items. This way we can help you build a roadmap and action plan, so you can work towards operating using these best practices or in other words that you can operate: Well-Architected.

The Well-Architected pillars

Operational Excellence

Being able to support development and run workloads effectively, gain insight into their operation, and continuously improve supporting processes and procedures to delivery business value.


Being able to protect data, systems, and assets to take advantage of cloud technologies to improve your security.


Being able of a workload to perform its intended function correctly and consistently when it's expected to

Performance Efficiency

Being able to use computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.

Cost Optimization

Being able to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price point.


Addresses the long-term, economic, environmental and societal impact of your business activities.

What can IN4IT do for you?

IN4IT delivers these reviews FREE of charge. Once your free Well-Architected Review is complete, we will help you get access to funds to implement the remediations. At this moment AWS provides funding of $5,000 per production workload when using a certified Well-Architected partner like IN4IT to remediate a minimum of 45% of high-risk items.

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